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product design

Constructive Lamp


IAT 336 Materials in Design - SUMMER 2014

Medium: Adobe Illustrator, Maya 

Group Size: 5

My Role: Documenting + Sketch 




To create a constructive lamp that enables user to read in dark environment.



Each group was assigned with a common and non-common material for making the lamp. For us, we were assigned with metal and plastic for our main material. We are required to do the wiring by ourselves, which we have bought different materials in order pick out the best conductive ones.



Even though our lamp was not successful during the showcase, I learned in order to complete the project, it requires a lot of time planning and organization among the group members. If we were to given more time, we would redesign the structure of the lamp, so that the audience would have a chance to build their own lamp using magnets.


More Process


Final Poster:


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